SELECT is a simple and most frequently used command in SQL Server.
SELECT Command is used to retrieve data from one or more table based. Required Data can be selected / retrieved from database by applying different conditional clause like TOP,WHERE, GROUP BY, HAVING etc.,
Syntax for SELECT Command is as follows:
SELECT <Column list> from <Table>
Example : SELECT Col1, Col2 from SAMPLE
Above statement will select Col1 and Col2 from SAMPLE table.
To select all the columns and rows from a table in a single shot following statement can be used:
SELECT * FROM <Table Name>
Above statement will retrieve complete information from SAMPLE table.
Below picture indicates the difference between above 2 syntax's:
SELECT Command is used to retrieve data from one or more table based. Required Data can be selected / retrieved from database by applying different conditional clause like TOP,WHERE, GROUP BY, HAVING etc.,
Syntax for SELECT Command is as follows:
SELECT <Column list> from <Table>
Example : SELECT Col1, Col2 from SAMPLE
Above statement will select Col1 and Col2 from SAMPLE table.
To select all the columns and rows from a table in a single shot following statement can be used:
SELECT * FROM <Table Name>
Above statement will retrieve complete information from SAMPLE table.
Below picture indicates the difference between above 2 syntax's:
FUll syntax of the SELECT statement is complex, but the main clauses can be summarized as:
ReplyDelete[WITH [CTE(comman Table Experssion)]]
SELECT [columns List] [INTO [New Table Name]]
FROM [table NAME]
WHERE [Selection Criteria]
GROUP BY [Group By Expression]
HAVING [Selection Criteria]
ORDER BY [order expression] [ ASC | DESC ]
The UNION, EXCEPT and INTERSECT operators can be used between queries to combine or compare their results into one result set.